Adjust the pupils section techniques ---- A great article and useful tips for the next season, God willing.
Based on the experiences of a group of Alasatzh.tava according to their views and each way and continues creativity professor
opinion professor
will ask - in this - some practical steps, reached throughout my career in the field of education, in terms of dealing with the students, and this addressed to all professors who have problems with their pupils, especially to new teachers. It is the ground I hope that anyone who has experience in this field contributes to that enriches and adds to his experience and his experience .. I present to you, the following basic steps to control Chapter:
1. Do not Lina Vtasr:
Some of the teachers thought that once had to be nice and flexible with his disciples, will ensure respect for him, and ensures that their attention and focus during the explanation. This they must Nziha from our minds, Valtlmiv respects only professor who is firm and has a strong personality, and in control of a group section, in short: a professor who has the power.
2. No kidding .. !!:
illusions as well as theory, which we have received in the training centers and in the books of educational psychology, it must be interspersed lesson type of humor from time to time, Troyha for pupils, and deportation of boredom about them. It is a beautiful and wonderful words, you might believe if we are studying students in Canada or Switzerland .. but it does not fit in the middle does not differentiate between the grandfather and humor, and lacks proper education, once the professor opens a simple arc - utmost recreation for students - but found a very great difficulty in restoring calm to the section, and it would advise the new professor in the profession to concentrate on his lesson without dragging on topics unrelated to the lesson even for humor.
3. Do not give up:
sometimes a student talking with a colleague starts during your explanation for the lesson by having him change the seat after it wakes the first time, begins the student to negotiate with the professor in order to stay in his seat, if he gave professor to the desire of the student has committed intolerable mistake will leave the pupils others the impression that you leniently professor or weak character, and is unable to take the decision, and therefore it is to be on the professor to take the appropriate decision and not to give it up in any way.
4. not utilized Management:
fatal mistakes committed by new teachers, is the ideal perception that they pose in the composition of the management team stage, where they believe that the administration - at any time and place- is a professor service and backed by whatever the right of injustice or unfairness, but during expertise and experience, it is clear to everyone that some secondary institutions, including some administrators who have malevolence educational frameworks, but are trying to distort the image of a professor and cracking his authority in front of students, and here I am not generalize the referee, but the professional deal, requires the professor to take for himself one way of dealing with everyone, this is the way packages and Ramah and not waive your right to make the decision that it deems appropriate. It Oqrbak my colleague , a professor from the picture I'll give you some real examples: Suppose that you are now inside the chapter on the eighth quarter hour, pave the way to study lessons, and suddenly three pupils came accompanied by one administrators, asking you to allow them to enter, here must professor to take a firm stand unwavering, and that no waiver authority for the benefit of this administrative, because he may want to shine his image in front of the students to change my, Governor woke up so ... Moreover, the professor should keep away as much as possible on the use of management only in extreme cases where the sparks fly problem outside of separation or there is a problem difficult to resolve by resorting only a Li administration, but in simple cases of bilateral Kalhadit between the pupils or riots should the professor to solve the problem in any way, here 's a good reminder that the solution to the problems in the classroom is linked to the character of Professor authoritarianism is being built since the first share of the school season.
5. does not satisfy the student words:
pupils from trying - deliberately - to drain energy professor within the department during the lesson, through the draw to the words of no benefit from it, and there are those who spend long hours in front of pupils cast in front of speeches Antarah in ethics and grandfather, perseverance, etc., this is a grave mistake done by a professor, dedicated specific lessons Valglaf time, long program, and in the classroom there are those who really want to succeed and take advantage of your lessons, and there are those who do not want anything but to thwart your lesson and break your power so do not contribute to the success of the second plan of the team, do not put undisciplined in the speeches of Petra time, but be frugal to speak, SPA Served and gestures economy signals, and do not drain your energy in the words of no value ....
6. No points are distributed for free:
Among the mistakes that break the authority of the professor within the department and its image also throughout the school season, is the belief that some high points on the distribution of pupils can brings you respect and appreciation, and forget the professor that the physical and moral authority that brings respect and not favoring the pupil and the desire to please him, so do not give a positive advantage only to the pupil glory Moazb either negligent not give him the dots do not deserve it, because the opposite will feel the students outstanding that you are not just in punctuating this problem Big.
7. Let your reaction quickly:
when you are going to take a lesson in front of students, and notes that students speak (albeit in whispers) with his friend, do not hesitate to stop the explanation and guidance warning him with looks sharp, and warning him of the consequences of going too far to speak the middle of the season, do not be delayed to do so, if disregard for a simple conversation between two students, be sure that the chatter and the riots will spread among the rest of the disciples, so not react quickly and strong and do not hesitate and delay punishment ....
8. Leave a distance between you and your students:
during my career humble, I was trying to get close to a large extent of my students, thinking of me that this will make them love the material that I teach, Already managed to some extent to attract a significant proportion of pupils to Hzirta, but another aspect of the matter seemed to me is positive, as the pupil is a human being a teenager has specific characteristics should not be overlooked, and therefore must be dealt with on the grounds that a teenager and not a human being adult, in other words , must be left between you and distance , whether male or female, and warn of favoring pupils to pupils male account, then so will open the gates of hell in your face, try not to break that thick wall between you and the students, because that will make you lose Hapennek, will become vulnerable to break into by all pupils, Vhafez permission on Heptk and A allows the student to approach you so much ...
9. Observe your students continually:
must monitor students work and bringing them to the decisions and notebooks continuously, with diversification in the forms of surveillance, so that he feels the pupil that constantly monitor, and does not accept in - class students do not attend his school or his book, and be decisive in that since the first quota, although Legislators are distributed diary prevents directed by the student because of that, you can edit a report it and send it to the Board on the basis of non - acceptance of the student , but to bring its requirements , because not to bring it incompatible with the rules of procedure of the institution items, and be sure that the theoretical texts do not always solve the confusion wa To pick it is your authority and your personality Pippa .... So be vigilant and
10. Aguetn solid ruler !! :
Most gentlemen professors will be mesmerized by this step, and their relationship to adjust pupils, no doubt that we are - we Alosatzh- we spend most of our time in the classroom, in search of peace and tranquility within the department, and we use our hands in the beating on the table or the blackboard, this would cause the professor or professor harm eloquent, and therefore suggest that the professor acquisition of a long ruler solid and used to restore calm to the season by beating strongly on the blackboard, which is not bad that is sometimes used in a river pupil or scare him out and beat him lightly but badly for intimidation does not cause physical harm.
11. Be creative:
Most of us believe that the professor is forced to apply the course in a rigid, without the possibility of creativity and diligence in it, and this is among the factors that can produce a lack of psychological satisfaction both with the professor or the student, especially the second party , who will feel bored and boring as a result of the adoption of the professor on one way to take a lesson, so I suggest that diversifies teacher activities, and to integrate new technologies in the lesson (Paorbwant, videos, cultural contests, prizes, individual and group presentations ...) and freed from the node of the Inspector, because I think that the educational counselor or the inspector would be happy if the students were found Actors with the professor based on new educational forms, then, not creative, and try to make your share enjoyable for students, without over this side ...
12. Do not end for creating ....: the
contradiction between word and deed in the character of a professor and, unfortunately , I see - sometimes - some fellow professors - they Bslokat is honorable in the organization , such as smoking, or talk about the other professors in the classroom, and so on , so must the professor who wants to keep his image and prestige to distance himself from such behaviors Allaterbuah .. .
13. adapt to Chapter Joe: the
things that attract attention, and which contribute to distract the attention of the student and create atmosphere Convenient to take a lesson, it is that some counterparts as they prepare for the tables of quotas for teachers, make some basic materials that require a great effort immediately after the share of physical education, and this is what overburdens the pupil and makes him unable to focus on the material, and thus become the stake for him a chance for recreation and rest and not collectible in such cases , either the professor calls for a change in the quota schedule, and if met with a refusal, must adapt his lesson with the atmosphere section, if he saw that the students are fully prepared Corps studied normally, and if I feel that students are not prepared to receive the lesson, they can count on the dumping of newspapers Aza on his energy and effort ..
14. Do not cry out : Many of us lose his power in front of the pupil through the exaggeration and excessive shouting and yelling throughout the school year, and this is not something desirable, because the teacher thus becomes a "gap" in front of the disciples, and we often enjoy watching Mr. It roars and frothing and thunders, when we were studying in high school, and we were anxious lest the teachers themselves who are not ruthless in this way. So I would advise professor to keep his energy and composure as he can that, although the process is difficult something, but it is possible if we bear in mind the many years that will spend in this profession hard labor, and whether we can continue the high spirits if we adopt them screaming and shouting and wailing. .... 15. be represented by brilliant: the words of strange something but true and realistic to a large extent, if you intend to spend many years in this profession hard and fun at the same time , you should my brother Professor to be represented and an artist proficient in your department, in the sense that be efficient scientific and cognitive perspective, it is not acceptable that pupils find gaps or brother I committed in your classes, or ask for particles in your lesson and you can not answer them , this would affect the knowledge that your authority especially the student who sits in front of you has the perfect look for you , you are a professor and knows what Professor Vhafez on the image carried by you. In addition to the cognitive side, should the professor to have fun in throwing his lesson, not to be boring nature of the pupil from the psychological point of view must be observed professor during the presentation of lessons, Valtlmiv - the child is inherently inclined to all that is fun, interesting and new, try my brother professor that usher your lesson story fun touch her lesson, or realistic incident, or Bmostagd of reality, or something of social networks .... in other words , you must touch all the concerns of the student enters and link your lesson whatever abstract by the pupil, because the question that entices each student at the beginning of each lesson is: in what Sinfni this lesson in my personal life ??? So, we have to answer this question during your lesson if you want to stretch his attention throughout the quota .... 16. Be frugal: tips I give each professor whether modern or joining the profession of "veterans" to be a professor of professional practice in the frugal in terms of : preparation Aljmamat or educational documents, or write on the blackboard, or while correcting pupils books .... etc, in the sense to keep his energy because it will need years and years, and therefore if the Bastnzafha year do not guarantee that he will be able to deliver performance good during the following years, this should not be understood as inaction or negligence in the performance of professional duty , Both as a kind of measure is balanced to work, there are some teachers overstretching pupils tremendous amount of lessons, and believe that the student will absorb all this information written on the books, I do not think so, especially in light of the pedagogical skills that insist on the student 's education skills and tools, without focusing much on the content to be submitted to him in advance in the book decision and in the World Wide web. 17. Awaken pupil of slumbers: steps that tried with respect to adjust the students section, is that you when you notice that a student is talking with a colleague during your explanation for the lesson, do Bmphajoth by question, or to ask him Aharoj to the blackboard in order to answer a specific exercise and, if not deterred from talking with his colleague, you can change the place of sitting, without surrendering your request as stated above, and if he continued to talk , despite changing his seat could be asking him to leave the hall a few moments and can stand next chapter a few minutes and then ask him to come back after that . Summary: I think what put forward is a realistic steps to adjust the students section, I also think that the crucial principle in reducing the separation problems is that the professor to build his power since the beginning of the school season, if able to build this power has ensured respect for students and their love , and if failed they construct will exposed many problems throughout the school season , whether with students or with the administrative staff or even with the teachers themselves and , in conclusion , it was pointed out that I have benefited in the formulation of this Kzawat from a range of sites in French because your Arabic is scarce to some extent, and perhaps the most prominent site benefited from it is this site , which you whom We will keep At Coop French language in order to circulate a report deliberately on the so - called (curriculum in teaching Bonaparte) and link to the site is as follows: Professor 2 Thank you, my dear brother on his vision and his experience Tkasemk respectable students about adjusting section and techniques that you do not share your same orientation. Achieve order and discipline within the important section of the teacher leadership tasks, and can not be separated from other tasks and functions assigned to the teacher, which is not an end in itself because its purpose is to make the department an environment conducive to teaching and learning, in which the educational educational set objectives are achieved. A task that is a natural concern professionally for a private teacher novice who wonders about the skill set the system within the department, and how to deal with unwanted practices, which prevent the walk - Hassan of the educational process of learning. The skill system is set within the section is the sum of behaviors performed by the teacher accurately and quickly and the ability to adapt to data teaching positions in order to prevent problems within the department before they occur , or identify them and understand their causes as they happen and then dealt with the manner in which suits them in order to mitigate or stop it altogether. There are several methods that can be followed by a teacher in dealing with section problems, include the following: willful disregard 11.: This method is called "amortization method" or extinction, in the sense to weaken the behavior of the effects of harmful results so that fades with its effects and consequences as a result of ignoring deliberately , and not be given importance, this method is followed in the following cases: ( a) in cases that can be overlooked is not afraid of danger or aggravation of their results; ( b ) where no unwanted behavior functioning hinders the quota , for example , does not provoke confusion and disorder ( c ) when they do not behave the other disciples the same behavior, so as not to be in furtherance of this to him; ( d ) be accompanied by the boldest Teach students conduct an alternative and acceptable; 2. change the general atmosphere in the section: changed the atmosphere in the section if behaviors violate Section system issued by: ( a) change the type of activity in the department, throwing to a discussion and dialogue to clerical work so; ( b ) change sitting students system within the section ( c ) avoid distract attention and distract students from work; ( d ) allow the student to choose the activity or due to be done by ; ( e ) the use of humor and humor and the spirit of fun moderate and acceptable; ( f ) provide assistance to those in need of pupils 3. use indirect method: use an indirect method teacher can handle Disorderly conduct , such as: ( a) giving instructions or hints indicate what students are required; ( b ) invite students to resume their work and their activity; ( c ) to recall the observance of existing regulations in the section; ( d ) to recall the results of the consequences of a particular work of conduct; ( e ) move within the department, moving, moving between pupils seats 4. using the collective effect: this method is used as follows: ( a) the formation of a collective group to prepare a search for a topic, or laboratory work or office, or a particular activity ( b ) the announcement of termination of the quota, and a willingness to share or other activity. 5. Use non - verbal signals: can be used as a professor at the same time the disciples: a dialogue to speak to play in explaining the lesson, be accompanied by another dialogue without words to control section and order it. The latter is the non - verbal signals eye Khrkat, facial expressions of surprise or disapproval, voice tones, the language of physical approach of the student confused. ( A) the formation of a collective group to prepare a search for a topic, or laboratory work or office, or a particular activity ( b ) the announcement of termination of the quota, and get ready for another share or other activity. 5. Use non - verbal signals: can be used as a professor at the same time the disciples: a dialogue to speak to play in explaining the lesson, be accompanied by another dialogue without words to control section and order it. The latter is the non - verbal signals eye Khrkat, facial expressions of surprise or disapproval, voice tones, the language of physical approach of the student confused. ( A) the formation of a collective group to prepare a search for a topic, or laboratory work or office, or a particular activity ( b ) the announcement of termination of the quota, and get ready for another share or other activity. 5. Use non - verbal signals: can be used as a professor at the same time the disciples: a dialogue to speak to play in explaining the lesson, be accompanied by another dialogue without words to control section and order it. The latter is the non - verbal signals eye Khrkat, facial expressions of surprise or disapproval, voice tones, the language of physical approach of the student confused.
opinion professor
will ask - in this - some practical steps, reached throughout my career in the field of education, in terms of dealing with the students, and this addressed to all professors who have problems with their pupils, especially to new teachers. It is the ground I hope that anyone who has experience in this field contributes to that enriches and adds to his experience and his experience .. I present to you, the following basic steps to control Chapter:
1. Do not Lina Vtasr:
Some of the teachers thought that once had to be nice and flexible with his disciples, will ensure respect for him, and ensures that their attention and focus during the explanation. This they must Nziha from our minds, Valtlmiv respects only professor who is firm and has a strong personality, and in control of a group section, in short: a professor who has the power.
2. No kidding .. !!:
illusions as well as theory, which we have received in the training centers and in the books of educational psychology, it must be interspersed lesson type of humor from time to time, Troyha for pupils, and deportation of boredom about them. It is a beautiful and wonderful words, you might believe if we are studying students in Canada or Switzerland .. but it does not fit in the middle does not differentiate between the grandfather and humor, and lacks proper education, once the professor opens a simple arc - utmost recreation for students - but found a very great difficulty in restoring calm to the section, and it would advise the new professor in the profession to concentrate on his lesson without dragging on topics unrelated to the lesson even for humor.
3. Do not give up:
sometimes a student talking with a colleague starts during your explanation for the lesson by having him change the seat after it wakes the first time, begins the student to negotiate with the professor in order to stay in his seat, if he gave professor to the desire of the student has committed intolerable mistake will leave the pupils others the impression that you leniently professor or weak character, and is unable to take the decision, and therefore it is to be on the professor to take the appropriate decision and not to give it up in any way.
4. not utilized Management:
fatal mistakes committed by new teachers, is the ideal perception that they pose in the composition of the management team stage, where they believe that the administration - at any time and place- is a professor service and backed by whatever the right of injustice or unfairness, but during expertise and experience, it is clear to everyone that some secondary institutions, including some administrators who have malevolence educational frameworks, but are trying to distort the image of a professor and cracking his authority in front of students, and here I am not generalize the referee, but the professional deal, requires the professor to take for himself one way of dealing with everyone, this is the way packages and Ramah and not waive your right to make the decision that it deems appropriate. It Oqrbak my colleague , a professor from the picture I'll give you some real examples: Suppose that you are now inside the chapter on the eighth quarter hour, pave the way to study lessons, and suddenly three pupils came accompanied by one administrators, asking you to allow them to enter, here must professor to take a firm stand unwavering, and that no waiver authority for the benefit of this administrative, because he may want to shine his image in front of the students to change my, Governor woke up so ... Moreover, the professor should keep away as much as possible on the use of management only in extreme cases where the sparks fly problem outside of separation or there is a problem difficult to resolve by resorting only a Li administration, but in simple cases of bilateral Kalhadit between the pupils or riots should the professor to solve the problem in any way, here 's a good reminder that the solution to the problems in the classroom is linked to the character of Professor authoritarianism is being built since the first share of the school season.
5. does not satisfy the student words:
pupils from trying - deliberately - to drain energy professor within the department during the lesson, through the draw to the words of no benefit from it, and there are those who spend long hours in front of pupils cast in front of speeches Antarah in ethics and grandfather, perseverance, etc., this is a grave mistake done by a professor, dedicated specific lessons Valglaf time, long program, and in the classroom there are those who really want to succeed and take advantage of your lessons, and there are those who do not want anything but to thwart your lesson and break your power so do not contribute to the success of the second plan of the team, do not put undisciplined in the speeches of Petra time, but be frugal to speak, SPA Served and gestures economy signals, and do not drain your energy in the words of no value ....
6. No points are distributed for free:
Among the mistakes that break the authority of the professor within the department and its image also throughout the school season, is the belief that some high points on the distribution of pupils can brings you respect and appreciation, and forget the professor that the physical and moral authority that brings respect and not favoring the pupil and the desire to please him, so do not give a positive advantage only to the pupil glory Moazb either negligent not give him the dots do not deserve it, because the opposite will feel the students outstanding that you are not just in punctuating this problem Big.
7. Let your reaction quickly:
when you are going to take a lesson in front of students, and notes that students speak (albeit in whispers) with his friend, do not hesitate to stop the explanation and guidance warning him with looks sharp, and warning him of the consequences of going too far to speak the middle of the season, do not be delayed to do so, if disregard for a simple conversation between two students, be sure that the chatter and the riots will spread among the rest of the disciples, so not react quickly and strong and do not hesitate and delay punishment ....
8. Leave a distance between you and your students:
during my career humble, I was trying to get close to a large extent of my students, thinking of me that this will make them love the material that I teach, Already managed to some extent to attract a significant proportion of pupils to Hzirta, but another aspect of the matter seemed to me is positive, as the pupil is a human being a teenager has specific characteristics should not be overlooked, and therefore must be dealt with on the grounds that a teenager and not a human being adult, in other words , must be left between you and distance , whether male or female, and warn of favoring pupils to pupils male account, then so will open the gates of hell in your face, try not to break that thick wall between you and the students, because that will make you lose Hapennek, will become vulnerable to break into by all pupils, Vhafez permission on Heptk and A allows the student to approach you so much ...
9. Observe your students continually:
must monitor students work and bringing them to the decisions and notebooks continuously, with diversification in the forms of surveillance, so that he feels the pupil that constantly monitor, and does not accept in - class students do not attend his school or his book, and be decisive in that since the first quota, although Legislators are distributed diary prevents directed by the student because of that, you can edit a report it and send it to the Board on the basis of non - acceptance of the student , but to bring its requirements , because not to bring it incompatible with the rules of procedure of the institution items, and be sure that the theoretical texts do not always solve the confusion wa To pick it is your authority and your personality Pippa .... So be vigilant and
10. Aguetn solid ruler !! :
Most gentlemen professors will be mesmerized by this step, and their relationship to adjust pupils, no doubt that we are - we Alosatzh- we spend most of our time in the classroom, in search of peace and tranquility within the department, and we use our hands in the beating on the table or the blackboard, this would cause the professor or professor harm eloquent, and therefore suggest that the professor acquisition of a long ruler solid and used to restore calm to the season by beating strongly on the blackboard, which is not bad that is sometimes used in a river pupil or scare him out and beat him lightly but badly for intimidation does not cause physical harm.
11. Be creative:
Most of us believe that the professor is forced to apply the course in a rigid, without the possibility of creativity and diligence in it, and this is among the factors that can produce a lack of psychological satisfaction both with the professor or the student, especially the second party , who will feel bored and boring as a result of the adoption of the professor on one way to take a lesson, so I suggest that diversifies teacher activities, and to integrate new technologies in the lesson (Paorbwant, videos, cultural contests, prizes, individual and group presentations ...) and freed from the node of the Inspector, because I think that the educational counselor or the inspector would be happy if the students were found Actors with the professor based on new educational forms, then, not creative, and try to make your share enjoyable for students, without over this side ...
12. Do not end for creating ....: the
contradiction between word and deed in the character of a professor and, unfortunately , I see - sometimes - some fellow professors - they Bslokat is honorable in the organization , such as smoking, or talk about the other professors in the classroom, and so on , so must the professor who wants to keep his image and prestige to distance himself from such behaviors Allaterbuah .. .
13. adapt to Chapter Joe: the
things that attract attention, and which contribute to distract the attention of the student and create atmosphere Convenient to take a lesson, it is that some counterparts as they prepare for the tables of quotas for teachers, make some basic materials that require a great effort immediately after the share of physical education, and this is what overburdens the pupil and makes him unable to focus on the material, and thus become the stake for him a chance for recreation and rest and not collectible in such cases , either the professor calls for a change in the quota schedule, and if met with a refusal, must adapt his lesson with the atmosphere section, if he saw that the students are fully prepared Corps studied normally, and if I feel that students are not prepared to receive the lesson, they can count on the dumping of newspapers Aza on his energy and effort ..
14. Do not cry out : Many of us lose his power in front of the pupil through the exaggeration and excessive shouting and yelling throughout the school year, and this is not something desirable, because the teacher thus becomes a "gap" in front of the disciples, and we often enjoy watching Mr. It roars and frothing and thunders, when we were studying in high school, and we were anxious lest the teachers themselves who are not ruthless in this way. So I would advise professor to keep his energy and composure as he can that, although the process is difficult something, but it is possible if we bear in mind the many years that will spend in this profession hard labor, and whether we can continue the high spirits if we adopt them screaming and shouting and wailing. .... 15. be represented by brilliant: the words of strange something but true and realistic to a large extent, if you intend to spend many years in this profession hard and fun at the same time , you should my brother Professor to be represented and an artist proficient in your department, in the sense that be efficient scientific and cognitive perspective, it is not acceptable that pupils find gaps or brother I committed in your classes, or ask for particles in your lesson and you can not answer them , this would affect the knowledge that your authority especially the student who sits in front of you has the perfect look for you , you are a professor and knows what Professor Vhafez on the image carried by you. In addition to the cognitive side, should the professor to have fun in throwing his lesson, not to be boring nature of the pupil from the psychological point of view must be observed professor during the presentation of lessons, Valtlmiv - the child is inherently inclined to all that is fun, interesting and new, try my brother professor that usher your lesson story fun touch her lesson, or realistic incident, or Bmostagd of reality, or something of social networks .... in other words , you must touch all the concerns of the student enters and link your lesson whatever abstract by the pupil, because the question that entices each student at the beginning of each lesson is: in what Sinfni this lesson in my personal life ??? So, we have to answer this question during your lesson if you want to stretch his attention throughout the quota .... 16. Be frugal: tips I give each professor whether modern or joining the profession of "veterans" to be a professor of professional practice in the frugal in terms of : preparation Aljmamat or educational documents, or write on the blackboard, or while correcting pupils books .... etc, in the sense to keep his energy because it will need years and years, and therefore if the Bastnzafha year do not guarantee that he will be able to deliver performance good during the following years, this should not be understood as inaction or negligence in the performance of professional duty , Both as a kind of measure is balanced to work, there are some teachers overstretching pupils tremendous amount of lessons, and believe that the student will absorb all this information written on the books, I do not think so, especially in light of the pedagogical skills that insist on the student 's education skills and tools, without focusing much on the content to be submitted to him in advance in the book decision and in the World Wide web. 17. Awaken pupil of slumbers: steps that tried with respect to adjust the students section, is that you when you notice that a student is talking with a colleague during your explanation for the lesson, do Bmphajoth by question, or to ask him Aharoj to the blackboard in order to answer a specific exercise and, if not deterred from talking with his colleague, you can change the place of sitting, without surrendering your request as stated above, and if he continued to talk , despite changing his seat could be asking him to leave the hall a few moments and can stand next chapter a few minutes and then ask him to come back after that . Summary: I think what put forward is a realistic steps to adjust the students section, I also think that the crucial principle in reducing the separation problems is that the professor to build his power since the beginning of the school season, if able to build this power has ensured respect for students and their love , and if failed they construct will exposed many problems throughout the school season , whether with students or with the administrative staff or even with the teachers themselves and , in conclusion , it was pointed out that I have benefited in the formulation of this Kzawat from a range of sites in French because your Arabic is scarce to some extent, and perhaps the most prominent site benefited from it is this site , which you whom We will keep At Coop French language in order to circulate a report deliberately on the so - called (curriculum in teaching Bonaparte) and link to the site is as follows: Professor 2 Thank you, my dear brother on his vision and his experience Tkasemk respectable students about adjusting section and techniques that you do not share your same orientation. Achieve order and discipline within the important section of the teacher leadership tasks, and can not be separated from other tasks and functions assigned to the teacher, which is not an end in itself because its purpose is to make the department an environment conducive to teaching and learning, in which the educational educational set objectives are achieved. A task that is a natural concern professionally for a private teacher novice who wonders about the skill set the system within the department, and how to deal with unwanted practices, which prevent the walk - Hassan of the educational process of learning. The skill system is set within the section is the sum of behaviors performed by the teacher accurately and quickly and the ability to adapt to data teaching positions in order to prevent problems within the department before they occur , or identify them and understand their causes as they happen and then dealt with the manner in which suits them in order to mitigate or stop it altogether. There are several methods that can be followed by a teacher in dealing with section problems, include the following: willful disregard 11.: This method is called "amortization method" or extinction, in the sense to weaken the behavior of the effects of harmful results so that fades with its effects and consequences as a result of ignoring deliberately , and not be given importance, this method is followed in the following cases: ( a) in cases that can be overlooked is not afraid of danger or aggravation of their results; ( b ) where no unwanted behavior functioning hinders the quota , for example , does not provoke confusion and disorder ( c ) when they do not behave the other disciples the same behavior, so as not to be in furtherance of this to him; ( d ) be accompanied by the boldest Teach students conduct an alternative and acceptable; 2. change the general atmosphere in the section: changed the atmosphere in the section if behaviors violate Section system issued by: ( a) change the type of activity in the department, throwing to a discussion and dialogue to clerical work so; ( b ) change sitting students system within the section ( c ) avoid distract attention and distract students from work; ( d ) allow the student to choose the activity or due to be done by ; ( e ) the use of humor and humor and the spirit of fun moderate and acceptable; ( f ) provide assistance to those in need of pupils 3. use indirect method: use an indirect method teacher can handle Disorderly conduct , such as: ( a) giving instructions or hints indicate what students are required; ( b ) invite students to resume their work and their activity; ( c ) to recall the observance of existing regulations in the section; ( d ) to recall the results of the consequences of a particular work of conduct; ( e ) move within the department, moving, moving between pupils seats 4. using the collective effect: this method is used as follows: ( a) the formation of a collective group to prepare a search for a topic, or laboratory work or office, or a particular activity ( b ) the announcement of termination of the quota, and a willingness to share or other activity. 5. Use non - verbal signals: can be used as a professor at the same time the disciples: a dialogue to speak to play in explaining the lesson, be accompanied by another dialogue without words to control section and order it. The latter is the non - verbal signals eye Khrkat, facial expressions of surprise or disapproval, voice tones, the language of physical approach of the student confused. ( A) the formation of a collective group to prepare a search for a topic, or laboratory work or office, or a particular activity ( b ) the announcement of termination of the quota, and get ready for another share or other activity. 5. Use non - verbal signals: can be used as a professor at the same time the disciples: a dialogue to speak to play in explaining the lesson, be accompanied by another dialogue without words to control section and order it. The latter is the non - verbal signals eye Khrkat, facial expressions of surprise or disapproval, voice tones, the language of physical approach of the student confused. ( A) the formation of a collective group to prepare a search for a topic, or laboratory work or office, or a particular activity ( b ) the announcement of termination of the quota, and get ready for another share or other activity. 5. Use non - verbal signals: can be used as a professor at the same time the disciples: a dialogue to speak to play in explaining the lesson, be accompanied by another dialogue without words to control section and order it. The latter is the non - verbal signals eye Khrkat, facial expressions of surprise or disapproval, voice tones, the language of physical approach of the student confused.
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